You have three options:
You can get Dive Guide, Science of Diving and Assistant Instructor
trainings separately or as a whole, or you can join the program
as a Dive Master from any education system. In addition to the programs
taught by the active status Dive Guide, you can join the program below
teaches, supervises and can issue certificates:
Scuba Rangers
Try Scuba - Trial Diving
Scuba Skills Update - Scuba Skills Update
Excellent Buoyancy
An active status Assistant Instructor can also:
Take part as a certified assistant in all SSI recreational programs.
All under the indirect supervision of an active status Open Water Instructor
or higher. Conduct academic and in-water activities (excluding emergency
exit skills).Supervise a maximum of two (2) students at a time during a
cruise dive on open water training dives. Qualify as a Training
Specialist with additional specialist training.
Enroll in an Instructor Training Course.