


As individuals, we are willing to protect the environment.
We aim to motivate people not to harm the environment.
We support projects and organizations that volunteer to protect marine life.
If possible, we collect garbage during our dives without harming the environment.
If possible, we collect plastics and nets floating on the surface of the sea and
cut the tied ropes.
If we are not able to do it ourselves, we ask our dive partner or crew for help in
cutting the nets.
We never eat shark fins, whale meat and frog eggs.
In the event of a violation of the use of sea creatures as souvenirs,
we immediately notify the authorities.


We never throw inorganic wastes into the sea, plastic waste takes a long time to disappear.
We use reusable coffee cups, lunch boxes, glass or metal bottles, shopping bags to minimize waste generation.
We avoid the use of unnecessary packaging.
We ensure that your waste is disposed of as environmentally friendly as possible.
If you smoke, we do not throw cigarettes into the sea or on the ground.

If possible, we swim without touching anything.
We don't swim too close to the riffs.
We do not touch the corals.
We enter/exit the sea from designated points.
We try not to lift sand as it reduces visibility and harms bottom creatures.
We do not hunt or disturb sea animals.
We do not touch animals unless we receive the necessary training.
We do not feed the animals
We do not take souvenirs from the sea. Pieces of broken coral or broken shells still serve as suitable environments for marine life.
We place the hooks in such a way that they do not damage the reefs and corals.
We do not harm animals and their natural environments in order to take pictures.


We take a shower only when necessary in places where water is difficult to store or clean.
We wash the equipment in the containers provided to us and when necessary. Usually, it is sufficient to wash it after the dives are over.
We keep the light sources that we do not use turned off.
Instead of driving, we use alternative transportation sources or prefer walking.
We make a food shopping plan to avoid unnecessary waste. Thus, we prevent waste by saving.



To effectively protect the underwater world; Learn about the underwater ecosystem and improve your buoyancy every time you dive.

SSI provides the following program suitable for you to improve your diving skills.
